[P]leaSe GiVe Me $$[$]


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Bidor, Perak, Malaysia
simply juz an advertising student...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

---The Early BiRd---

Birthday is coming~
b4 that i ardy received 2 presents from my frens

a redish twin key chain from Serena...thx Nana as she said we might not meeting each other on my birthday so she chosen to give it to me earlier....THXXXX~

2nd is from all my AV frens include Lim wei, Jia yi, Joey, Kenny tai, Julien, Chia Hui, Mei Yee, Heok Theng and Kheng Guan thxxx u guyss so so much...reason of giving me so early is bcoz they bought perfume for Lim Wei as well so sun bian buy along =.=|| Love u guysss~

Next Friday 29 of January ***awaiting

Going KL this sunday~

1 comment:

axiaop said...

happy birthday ya.....