[P]leaSe GiVe Me $$[$]


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Bidor, Perak, Malaysia
simply juz an advertising student...

Sunday, May 3, 2009


recently watching a taiwan drama. in episode 2 there is a rap. so decide to post it and if anyone can rap it fluent...U r great...sorry ar in chinese.

马超出操 操场操马喂马吃马草
马妈妈超操心 炒炒码面喂马超吃 yeah
马超不吃炒码面 在操场出马操
吵马妈妈炒炒码面 马妈妈不爽操起炒码面
骂操场出马操的马超 去吃马草
骂操场出操的马超操马超吵 而喂马超吃了马草

hahaha...actually it is quite rude la...coz the "cao" word mean F**k...lol

Japanese test on Monday...

1 comment:

gackyz said...

haha. what drama is tht? cao cao caooy