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Bidor, Perak, Malaysia
simply juz an advertising student...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

---My NaMe???---

finally hav some time to blog. ermm recently is doing all sort of works that given. the next i finished earlier is the typography for your names i made some of it, ermm dunno whic 1 nicer or there are none haha...will be submitting this...the requirement tat needed for this assignment is to do a typography tat represent ur personality or special abt u. so won't missed is the wood...haha before this been modified, miss ina asked me y there is a "big bird", i answered as juz simply make it look nice lo, then my classmate say coz it represent i got a "big bird" =.=||| after that i try to do it in another way whic result of this. but the one i like the most is this 1...the reason i like this the most coz it special gua. the reason i do so is bcoz those chinese word will be representing myself as a chinese and as my name "muk" is one of the word in the 5 elements whic is metal, water, earth, fire and me wood. so i done this. this is the 1st work i did for this assignment but after recalled that maximum are 4 colors so i need to redo.=.= feel fun for it although it is tiring.^^

going back hometown 2moro for cousin wedding dinner...

1 comment:

gackyz said...

frankly, i like the 1st one. lol